I use something like:

<a href="delete.php?id=123" onclick="return myconfirm('Do you ... ?',this.href)">


function myconfirm(str, href) {
    if(!confirm(str)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        document.location.href=href + "&confirm=1";


In delete.php check for $_GET['confirm'], if set, delete, if not, display plain old html yes/no confirmation page, yes link will have &confirm=1 added to the current location.


Hi all, I have a "Delete" function here whereby when I click on "Delete" it will
actually have some kinda "popup" window to prompt user whether they are sure to
delete the following data.....So, anyone have any idea how to create this popup
window using PHP??????

Appreciate very much for any help given....=)

Regards, Irin

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