Payne Wrtote:

\n is what you are needing. \n means new line. So you want a new line you have to do this....

echo ("abc\n");
echo ("Elm Street\n");
echo ("Anytown, NY 00000 \n");

to get

Elm Street
Anytown, NY 00000

you can also use a printf then you can use html code to get the same <br>.

You might want to grab you one for beginner C or PHP books, they usually all \ and example what are for. Or do a search on Google.


David Otton wrote:

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 11:56:11 +1100, you wrote:

I have spent about an hour looking at this and have found I can't echo
anything with 16 characters or less! It can be over a single line or
multiple lines eg.




Am I missing something really obvious here?

In the old C days, buffering while writing to a file could give this effect.

I have /no/ idea how that applies to your situation, though. Is it a CGI
install? Are there any options for buffering data between spawned programs
on your OS? What happens if you explicitly flush() after the echo?

Sorry I can't offer anything more concrete.

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