Thank you Lief, Hanuska and Jay for your comments and advice.

> (it automagically knows which result it's on)

        This was the piece of information that I was missing. I did not
know PHP had any "automagic" in it's handling of arrays.
        However, now that I think I know what's going on, my code still
does not seem to be working. When I execute the following, I get a parse
error on the line where my first square brackets (...for " .member[1];)
appears. If I take the square brackets out, the code parses, but does
not do anything.
        Here is the problematic code:
$query = "select * from tablename where active = 1";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($member = mysql_fetch_row($result));
$subject = "EigoImprov Newsletter for " .member[1];
$mailcontent = "Dear " .$member[0] .",\n".$message ."\nThis message was
sent to [2]" .$member;
mail($member[2], $subject, $mailcontent, $fromaddress);
        Why is this not parsing?

Dave G

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