I have only one advise for you: send yourself an email with the kanji encoding and check the email headers with the headers you set.

Dave G wrote:

        Thank you Edwin, Marek, and Eugene for your responses and
        For storing the Japanese names in kanji in the database, I've
changed the column to "blob". Storing and retrieving the fields seems to
work okay in all my tests, and this solution seemed to be the easiest
and without any potential impact on the rest of the database. Thank you
for this solution.
        For sending the email in Japanese, I am still not quite getting
it. At first I attempted to attach character set information within the
mail() command like so:
$addheaders = 'From: ' .$email .'\r\nContent-Type: text/html;
mail ($toaddress, $subject, $mailcontent, $addheaders);
        This sends the mail correctly, but the content is still coming
out as ASCII gibberish.
        I then attempted to use the mb_send_mail() command, like so
(this time a "From: " address being the only additional header:
mb_send_mail($toaddress, $subject, $mailcontent, $fromaddress);
        But this had exactly the same result.
        I see on the
http://jp2.php.net/manual/en/function.mb-send-mail.php web page there is
lots of additional comments on the use of mb-send-mail(), but the
technical vocabulary is beyond me.
        Can someone help me tweak this code to successfully send a kanji

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