
On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 05:31:01PM -0800, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> That does seem strange. I glanced at this page of yours:
> > http://zonk.matfyz.cz/php_post_problem
> And I saw this:
> So, why was the request a GET request rather than a POST request? There is
> no content nor any entity headers either, so it doesn't seem like this
> line (telling us that the request method was GET) is wrong.
Sorry for that. Somehow me or my web browser tricked me into thinking I
saved the right file. There's a correct one now. I screwed it when I was
trying the GET method or whatever. Nonetheless it still does not work.
Neither with GET nor with POST. If you liked to glance a little bit more
maybe you'd like to see the request


It's the one used with the POST method. I sent this request to the
server with netcat and saved (hope that the right one that time:) the
result into



> However, I also don't see any URL variables, so it doesn't seem like the
> HTTP request contained any form data, whether GET or POST.
Whoa. What kind of variables did you say? Ok. This is what I thought: I
have a nonapache - boa - webserver, maybe it's POST handling could be
different. (That would be even more strange but maybe boa webserver does
not set these variables) So I'll try GET. You know how it ended. The
same way.

> echo $username;
> echo $_GET['username'];
> echo $_POST['username'];
> echo $_REQUEST['username'];
Ok. I've put this little code of yours after var_dump($_GET):

array(0) { } 
Notice: Undefined variable: username in /home/zonk/public_html/test.php on line 11
Notice: Undefined index: username in /home/zonk/public_html/test.php on line 12
Notice: Undefined index: username in /home/zonk/public_html/test.php on line 13
Notice: Undefined index: username in /home/zonk/public_html/test.php on line 14

You see. It looks like the intrepreter hates me, doesn't it? :-)

> Hopefully one of this will output something relevant. Otherwise, I suppose
> it's possible that there is a bug in the CGI SAPI, unless I'm missing
> something.
Or we both. But it looks more like a bug to me because it should work
with no preceding actions taken.

> Hope that helps.
Oh thanks a lot. And apologies for wrong background info:)

Take care.

Arne Rusek


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