I like POB too but it's an obsfuscator.  To fix your $email problem just do
a search for $2d4g3a5sd and change them all to $email.

An encoder would be Ioncube or Turck's mmcache but the server needs to be
installed with their software to run the encoded scripts.  POB doesn't need
anything installed to run.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: November 20, 2003 12:29 PM
To: R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Encoders

POBs is really good, but I have had some weird problems when encoding large
files, especially if you take out the line breaks in the options.
Another problem with POBS is that you can have your "config.php" file not
encoded with the rest of the files, since it changes your variables (eg
$email becomes something like $2d4g3a5sd) your $email  variable is not
recognised in the rest of the program/s, which is quite a pain in the ass
explaining to a customer who just bought your software to enter the $email
variable in $2d4g3a5sd and their $blah variable in $234sdhk23 etc etc

I personally prefer CodeSecure from securecents.com at only 49$ but then,
i'm biased :-)


>      Did you try http://pobs.mywalhalla.net/ ?

> > Hi there !
> >
> > I am curretly looking for suitbale solutions for encoding PHP scripts
> > after developing a couple of comercial applications in PHP.
> >
> > Has anybody made any experience with several encoders like IONCUBE,
> > SOURCEGUARDIAN, ZEND, etc... so far?
>      Did you try http://pobs.mywalhalla.net/ ?
> ---
>  "One who mix sports and patriotism is a barbarian"
> Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com
> --
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