
Friday, November 21, 2003, 10:53:08 AM, you wrote:
JH> I'm trying to run a super simple command through passthru.

JH> Here's my test.php file:

JH> <html><body>
JH> <? passthru('ls -l'); ?>
JH> </body></html>

JH> It works if run directly with "php test.php".
JH> When this is run from the browser, there is no output, and the
JH> following error is logged in /var/log/httpd/error_log :
JH> sh: /ls: No such file or directory

JH> What does this mean ? Any command I try instead of "ls -l",
JH> gives a similar error.

JH> The funky thing is that it HAS worked, but now it doesn't, and
JH> I have no idea what happened.

JH> Any clues and hints are much appreciated.

JH> /Jesper

You probably have to put the full path to ls

    <? passthru('/bin/ls -l'); ?>


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