"John W. Holmes" wrote:
> Adam i Agnieszka Gasiorowski FNORD wrote:
> > Thomas Svenson wrote:
> >>>If you would stop using M$ Outlook and switch to a better mail client
> >>>that supports mailing lists, your problem would be solved.
> >>
> >>I wouldn't mind that at all. What clients do you recommend for WindwosXP? I
> >>want a small client (note: I have to use Outlook for business purposes, but
> >>have the lists on a separate account).
> >
> >       Try the Opera's 7 M2 (build-in revolutionary
> >  email and news client).
> Is this an advertisement or does it actually have the features everyone
> is looking for?

        It certainly is not a very _mature_ product,
 but it is very usable. It depends on what features
 you require...The most important for me is the whole
 email database concept, dynamic views and searches.
 I, personally, use both Netscape Mail, The Bat and
 Opera's M2, to do different duties. I'm a registered
 user of The Bat and Opera :8]. I guess I am an email
 fanatic ;8]. Anyway, this is rather off-topic here.

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