"John W. Holmes" wrote:

> >       Try the Opera's 7 M2 (build-in revolutionary
> >  email and news client).
> Is this an advertisement or does it actually have the features everyone
> is looking for?

        Oh, it does automatically sort all complying
 mailing lists, BTW, no need to create filters
 manually - so it is rather mailing-list-aware :8].

Seks, seksić, seksolatki... news:pl.soc.seks.moderowana
http://hyperreal.info  { iWanToDie }   WiNoNa    )   (
http://szatanowskie-ladacznice.0-700.pl  foReVeR(  *  )
Poznaj jej zwiewne kształty... http://www.opera.com 007

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