On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 19:21, Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 18:45, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
> > /usr/local/www/vhosts/pa.eastcoastbicycles.com/htdocs/mainfile.php on
> > line 42
> > 
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
> > /usr/local/www/vhosts/pa.eastcoastbicycles.com/htdocs/mainfile.php on
> > line 57
> > 
> > 42: foreach ($_GET as $secvalue) {
> > 57: foreach ($_POST as $secvalue) {
> > 
> > %less php.ini
> > register_globals = On
> > 
> > %./php -i | grep -i globals
> > register_globals => On => On
> Which version of PHP?

Yup, that was the issue.. ;-) It was 4.0.something (old) so I installed
a 4.3.x version and it's good to go. Thanks!

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