Eric Holmstrom wrote:

Hi there

I have a database called "Eric" and table name called "Rocket'.

Table consists of three values.

So far if i want to show copper headgaskets from the 5r field i put this
string into the php script (along with the rest of the html/php code)

$sql = "SELECT * FROM rocket WHERE partno like '5r%' AND description like

The problem is there is 1000s of different querys i want to run and dont
want to make a page for each query. So what im trying to ask is how do i run
a query to display the results (like"the
query i want to run" rather then link to a .php/html file with the query
inside of it.)

The short answer is to use a GET variable for this.

You have to remember to url encode the SQL, though (see urlencode()). You can access it like this:


The longer answer is to use a package such as DB_DataObject_FormBuilder ( to generate this stuff for you. It will take some setup, but once you're used to it, it can make this kind of app happen real quick.

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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