AFAIK, it has been in PHP since the beginning of PHP4. I could be wrong,
but I think it was one of the new features added when 4.0 came out. Here
is a little reference material for you on it.

Without seeing a code snippet, I can't tell you what your doing wrong.
Probably something simple, but hopefully the document above will help
you. Another resource which gives a decent guide to HEREDOC's is the
fairly new book "Core PHP Programming Third Edition". It's been a while
since I read it, but if memory serves it has atleast a page or two on
it's usage. I also highly recommend that book anyway to any PHP
programmer, beginner all the way to highly advanced. I thought I knew
almost everything about PHP and even I still learned about a new
function or two from the book. Very worthwhile.


On Thu, 2003-12-25 at 12:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm running PHP version 4.3.0 on a Macintosh PowerBook with OS 10.2.1,
> doing some PHP tutorial exercises. And I've run across something I haven't
> seen before in the sample code I'm seeing:
>    print <<<HERE
>    [multiple lines of code]
>    HERE;
> Now, from what I've read, it seems that the point of "<<<HERE ... HERE;" is
> to execute all the code between the two "HEREs".
> But when I run this thru my browsers--Netscape 7.02 and IE 5.2--I get the
> following error message:
>    Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in [path to file] [line number]
> Is this "<<<HERE ... HERE;" new to PHP sometime after version 4.3.0, and
> I'm just out of luck unless I upgrade?
> Thank you.
> Steve Tiano
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