I was able to install Apache fairly easily, and it appears to be working, but PHP is way over my head. So I downloaded a preconfigured package called XAMPP, from http://www.apachefriends.org/xampp-en.html

The specs say it includes Apache 2.0.48, which I was told is not good for working with PHP; I understand Apache 1.3.29 (the one I installed) is best.

So can I install a preconfigured package with Apache 2.0.48 over Apache 1.3.29, without removing Apache 1.3.29? If so, what's the best way to proceed? Is there a simple way to switch the PHP connection from Apache 2 to Apache 1.3, after which I would uninstall Apache 2 (after I get Apache 1.3 and PHP up and running)?


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