Something I have never tried... seems fairly straight-forward but I am running into problems.

My problem is that I need to call system to restart a daemon service like so...
$cmd = "/path/to/shell/script/";
system($cmd . " &> /tmp/error ");

Script contains this command...
/path/to/dhcpd -cf /path/to/config/dhcpd

So far so good right? I mean it works from a command line so why not from php. Lets check some permissions...
httpd as Apache:Apache as Apache:Apache

Upon inspection of 'error file' in /tmp I find this...

unable to create icmp socket: Operation not permitted
Can't create new lease file: Permission denied


Can't bind to dhcp address: Permission denied
Please make sure there is no other dhcp server
running and that there's no entry for dhcp or
bootp in /etc/inetd.conf.   Also make sure you
are not running HP JetAdmin software, which
includes a bootp server.

So lets set a sticky bit on the and /path/to/config/dhcpd
$> chmod 1777 /path/to/config/dhcpd
$> chmod 1777

So far so good but I am still recieving the same error, if anyone has some good tips on what would be the most efficient & SECURE way of starting this service please point me to the tutorial.... Thanks a ton.

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