i am usng php3.0.11 ,IIS4 and NT4 trying to connect to ldap server but i get
a error
Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function ldap_connect() in ...
i have included php3_ldap.dll in my php3.ini, i have even tried to include
it dinamicaly with dl but then i get

Fatal error: Unable to load dynamic library './php3_ldap.dll'

yes the file is THERE i have tested it and that is the right directory i
tested it with other .dll-s and it works just fine but this one is making
problems i had a similar problem with oracle oci81 where i had to restart
the server but in this case I realy dont know what to do

I also tryied with two different files from php 3.0.11 and 3.0.17 both of
them are 56k (could be the same) but none of them works


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