>Here's another question, possibly easier.  Possibly even bone-headed.
>What kind of checking/filtering/changing do I need to do on a
>user-submitted string before I can feel comfortable using it to name a
>new directory in the web root on Linux/Apache?  Anybody have a quick
>Regular Expression they can toss at me?  If so, I'd be muchly
>appreciative.  Or is this just a Terrible Idea That Should Never Be

A file or directory name in Unix can contain any character, except a
slash. On mac OS, you also can't use a colon because that was the old mac
way of delimiting directories. I imagine windows has a similar restriction
on the backslash. I think it has to be less than 256 characters as well,
but I may be remembering that incorrectly...

Permissively, you could try:
        substr(preg_replace('/[\/\:\\]/', '_', $dirname), 0, 256)

Though you may also want to be strict, and remove all non-word
characters, i.e. letters, digits, slash and underscore:
        substr(preg_replace('/\W/', '_', $dirname), 0, 256)

...that will eliminate special case checks for ".", "..", and ".*".

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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