I've moved sites between 3 or 4 different hosting providers until I found one that didn't sell out the week after we signed up, and was actually fast enough along with decent tech support. Never had any troubles with PHP as long as the version was somewhat similar. Started with Sun Solaris, went to RedHat Linux, then Debian, now on FreeBSD - all works well ;)

Though, now that I think of it, there was one situation where a client chose the hosting company - I have a set password restricted area that I use for most sites - it wouldn't work with the client chosen host ... after 5 or 6 emails back and forth I finally got the host to make the one minor change in their php.ini file ... but it was a pain.

If you can, I'd suggest asking to see the result from phpinfo(); and compare the config settings between your current host and the target host - just for any inconsistencies you can look forward to later on ;)

At 05:39 PM 2/3/2004, John Nichel wrote:
Daryl Meese wrote:

Hello all,
I am considering changing hosting providers and moving from FreeBSD to
My question is are there any PHP related issues to moving (functions that
don't work on Linux but do on FreeBSD, etc)?
I doubt there are but have to cover the bases.

Nope, no issues that I'm aware of (shouldn't be). Functions working and not working will depend on a) the functions you're currently using, b) version of php on the different hosts, and c) if the new host has the options compiled in that you're currently using.

Also, if you got any suggestions for hosts with solid dedicated server plans
I would appreciate replies of the list.

Daryl Meese

I've had good experiences with JTLNet (http://www.jtlnet.com)

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