
2. [...] I'm going to be storing a LOT of data in the DB.
Why not save both as files? Maybe you find a structure for this, i.e. http://example.org/articles/2004/02/19/text34_v3.html or something like this. You save the "editfiles" and cache the xhtml-output.
> The other problem with the above is that I don't wish to merge the
fields with the template at this point -- I want that to be on-the-fly.

Of course you can when storing as files. Just keep both on serveral branches. The public XHTML-stuff to the URL and your "raw material" on a different branch in your filesystem. To cache the output is just a option. You can always do the stuff on-the-fly. Just map the URL in a secrue way to the filesystem and the parser.

I guess simple XML would be an option...

Yep. I did this once for a friend. It was great, because we defined a couple of tags to work with. It was so easy for him, I didnt need to write some forms. He wrote the stuff right in the editor with all the tags in mind. I dont know if this is the same situation here. Maybe I'm missing something :)

But: While it was a great thing for him, it was a real pain for me to write the parser. As long as the stuff kept simple, than there was no problem. But when the output depends on some nesting tags, it will become real hell! So this is something that would be better to solve with PHP5 and SimpleXML and not with PHP4.


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