If the PHP configuration doesn't have "register_globals" turned on in
the php.ini file, you will be able to access the form variables via the
_POST array like this:


Of course, substitute my_form_var with the correct variable from the
form that you are submitting.

If the server does have register_globals turned on you can access the
variables just as they are named in the form.  For example, if you have
a text input field named "lastname", you can access the value in that
text box using the variable $lastname.



Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
> I'm using a prebuilt Perl form mailer script for a project,
> but because the form is so long, my client would like to
> give the user the ability to save the data and come back to
> finish it later. I was hoping to be able to code this part
> in PHP (because I don't know Perl), but I'm fairly new to
> PHP and don't know how to get one form to go to two
> different places. Because the target of the form is the Perl
> script (for emailing the submitted form), how can I grab the
> data from the form with PHP?
> --
> Charlie Fiskeaux II
> Media Designer
> Cre8tive Group
> cre8tivegroup.com

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