The RLimit* set of directive can define resource limitations in apache. There is also aSendBufferSize directive but haven't used that so can't comment. According to the situation that you describe perhaps saving the file first isn't the solution either.

Juan E Suris wrote:

Right now I am genereating the file offline and using a hyperlink, but that
creates double the disk I/O. It reads some files (which the big file is
based on), writes the big file, and reads the big file (to deliver it when
the user clicks the hyperlink). If I could just create the file and deliver
it as I create it, I would save the write/read to/from disk of the big file.

Output buffering is off in php.ini:
output_buffering = Off

So that does not seem to be it. Maybe the problem should be address on
Apache instead of PHP?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Raditha Dissanayake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Juan E Suris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP and Apache Using up all memory

Hi Juan,

What you can do is to switch off output buffering. If it is a really
large file you might want to generate the file offline and deliver it
using the more conventional hyperlink.

all the best

Juan E Suris wrote:


Raditha Dissanayake.
An applet that breaks all the rules. Reads, Writes and Deletes files on your hard disk. Uploads what's left to a third party server.

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