On Sat, 13 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > So the current situation is that Apache2-prefork+PHP is a decent solution
> > but it hasn't been tested a whole lot.
> I am currently moving my app to an Apache 2 server.  I did not build
> the server (not my area of expertise) and don't know how how it was
> built, but I can talk to the folks who did it and find out.  It was
> their choice to go to Apache 2, but I still have time to get them to go
> back if need be.  I'd like to understand the recommendations more
> clearly.
> Are there configurations of Apache 2 that are OK with PHP?  The above
> suggests prefork hasn't been tested but the remainder of your message
> suggests multithreading (which is different from prefork as I read the
> Apache docs -- right?) is even more problematic.  It sounds like this
> is what's behind the recommendation at
> http://us2.php.net/install.apache2 which says  "Do not use Apache 2.0
> and PHP in a production environment neither on Unix nor on Windows."
> But the same page says "The following versions of PHP are known to work
> with the most recent version of Apache 2.0:", so I'm not quite clear on
> what's being recommended.

I think that is pretty clear.  It says that it works but we do not
consider it production quality.

As for whether your particular install will work?  I have no idea.  Maybe,
maybe not.  And if weird things happen chances are we won't be able to
help you fix it.  That's the essence of our reccomendation to stick with
the Apache1 codebase we know well until such a time that Apache2 actually
delivers substantial enough features to warrant the effort it is going to
take to hammer it into a production-quality environment.


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