On 15 Mar 2004 Eric Gorr wrote:

> >which will have a value like:    98797-234234--2c-something-2c
> >
> >How do I take out the part which will always start with  "--2c" and will
> >always end with "-2c"
> I'd be interested in the answer to this question as well.
> Seems like it should be easy.

It is easy.  I agree with whoever said string functions were a better 
solution, regexp is overkill unless there is more variaiton in the data 
than what was presented.  That said, here are some possibilities; all 
but the first assume that the "--" is always there:

    - If the lengths are constant just use substr to pull out the
    first 11 characters. 

    - Find the "--" with strpos and then use that in a substr call to
    take just the part to the left. 

    - Use explode to separate the string at the "--" or "--2c". 

    - For two numeric strings separated by a dash use a regexp
    approach something like this: 

                if (preg_match("/^(\d*-\d*)--2c/", $string, $matches))
                        $left_part = $matches[1];


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