This one time, at band camp,
"Lord Loh." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to make a link collector.
> after opening the desired page, I want to get all the hyperlinks on it...

OK, this is quick and nasty, but you can add sanity/error checking etc
as you please, but it shows you the concept..


  // tell me its broken

class grabber{

  function grabber(){


function getLinks(){
  // regex to get the links
  $contents = $this->getUrl();
  preg_match_all("|http:?([^\"' >]+)|i", $contents, $arrayoflinks);
  return $arrayoflinks;

// snarf the url into a string
function getUrl(){
  return file_get_contents($_POST['url']);

} // end class

<h1>Link Grabber</h1>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<tr><td>URL:</td><td><input type="text" name="url" maxlength="100" size="50" 
<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Grab em"></td></tr>

  // check something was posted
  if(!isset($_POST['url']) || $_POST['url']=='')
        // or tell them to
        echo 'Please Enter a Valid url';
        // create a new grabber
        $grab = new grabber;
        // snarf the links
        // check the size of the array
                // echo out a little error
                echo 'No links found in file '.$_POST['url'];
                // filter out duplicates and print the results
                foreach(array_unique($arr['0']) as $val){ echo '<a 
href="'.$val.'>'.$val.'<br />'; }

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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