I am running Apache/2.0.48 (Gentoo/Linux) mod_ssl/2.0.48 OpenSSL/0.9.6k PHP/4.3.4

I have a drupal site set up, http://rout.dyndns.org/cagc

Since some time on Sunday i have had the following error appear at the
bottom of the page:

Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini 
settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0

I then cannot login to the site. Some of the site functionality is there
(ie you can view the basic pages etc, but anything that needs a login to
acheive is no good)

When I search google I seem to find that this is a php error, although I
cannot see a fix anywhere.

Can anyone tell me where to look in order to sort this out. I am a php
newbie, so if there is any other info I need to provide please let me

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