Jake McHenry <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:01 AM said:

> Does this always work? In my timesheet app, I have to do $counter =
> $counter + 1, because for some reason the $counter++; doesn't work.
> It just doesn't work, no incrementation of the variable. Is there
> something in php.ini that can prohibit this from working?

$var++ is a post incrementer meaning the value is updated at the next
++$var is a pre increment meaning the value is updated immediately.

is it possible you are expecting the results of ++$var?

try this and see what happens:


  $var = 2;

  echo $var++ . "<br>";

  echo ++$var . "<br>";


also, i don't know of anything in the php.ini that would turn this short
hand off. seems unlikely that there is.


* i'm not exactly sure how the compiler determines when to post
increment, but i think i'm correct.

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