On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:11, Claudia wrote:
> I am attempting to pass a string value via a URL.  I have tried using
> urlencode and ereg_replace--with no luck.
> Here is sample code:
> $headline=urlencode("$headline");
> print "<a href
> ='http://www.contus.com/test_quote/quotepage.php3?site=$site&page=miniq
>uote& subject=$headline'><b>Contact us for more
> information</b></a></font>";
> Then in the quotepage.php3 file
> if( $page == "miniquote" )
> {
> print "Get A Quote<br>";
> print "$subject";
> print "$site";
> INCLUDE "mini_quote.inc.php3";
> }
> --->The print "$subject"; line prints nothing.
> If I print $headline right after I assign the variable it prints
> correctly with +s in place of the blanks for this variable.
> Any suggestions?

What appears in the first script as the text of the link when you 'view 

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