
in an attempt to create a login system for site administrators on a website i come 
into the following problem that bothers me because i cant find any way to fix it.

most login scripts/systems i look at for examples on how to make a login section from 
sessions (allow the administrator to go between login required pages and also be able 
to go to public pages) without having to login again (the only way an administrator 
has to "login again" is if they close the browser on that site)...

i run into the deal where most login scripts check to see if $_SESSION[username] or a 
$_SESSION var has been set or is valid.  i noticed this could be a very bad thing 
because there is nothing stopping an outside link from doing something like:
<a href="securepage.php?_SESSION[username]=admin&_SESSION[pwd]=password">go to secure 
and being valid (that is if they manage to hack the user/pwd)...

any ideas how to create such a system?

any ways around that?? i need a system that will not do that 

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