

would not register 'username' and 'pwd' to the $_SESSION array but
to the $_GET and $_REQUEST-Array like:

   $_GET['_SESSION']['username'] => 'admin'

There is no way to inject any kind of data to the super-global Arrays at all

Hope this helps,

Am Dienstag, 23. März 2004 14:45 schrieb Andy B:
> hi
> in an attempt to create a login system for site administrators on a website
> i come into the following problem that bothers me because i cant find any
> way to fix it.
> problem:
> most login scripts/systems i look at for examples on how to make a login
> section from sessions (allow the administrator to go between login required
> pages and also be able to go to public pages) without having to login again
> (the only way an administrator has to "login again" is if they close the
> browser on that site)...
> i run into the deal where most login scripts check to see if
> $_SESSION[username] or a $_SESSION var has been set or is valid.  i noticed
> this could be a very bad thing because there is nothing stopping an outside
> link from doing something like: <a
> href="securepage.php?_SESSION[username]=admin&_SESSION[pwd]=password">go to
> secure page</a> and being valid (that is if they manage to hack the
> user/pwd)...
> any ideas how to create such a system?
> any ways around that?? i need a system that will not do that

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