Hello Rich,

Monday, March 29, 2004, 2:51:18 PM, you wrote:

RG> Er ... how do you generate a JS error with a JS disabled browser?

Maybe I should have said JS related error. For example - on vBulletin
(a $160 BBS package) if you have JavaScript disabled the drop-down
Forum Tools link does nothing.. it's still a link, but it goes
nowhere. With JS enabled, a little drop-down appears. In my mind it
would be better to have no link in the first place (hope that's a good
enough example?).

RG> I don't think there is a 100% reliable way of detecting server side whether
RG> a client browser has disabled javascript. However what you could do is to
RG> use a <script></script> block to spit out javascript enabled code using
RG> document.write() which will be ignored by disabled clients and then use
RG> <noscript></noscript> tags to enclose whatever stuff is necessary for the
RG> disabled clients?

Hmmm.. not a bad idea. I was thinking of some kind of "intermediary"
script, where it can run a check to see if JS is there or not (via
whatever method possible) and then redirect accordingly. I'll have an
experiment and (further!) searches to see what other ideas are out

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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