
I tried the suggestion, though I had to load up some extra files to get it to work. I had to do a

LD_PRELOAD="/lib/i686/ /lib/i686/ /lib/i686/"

/lib/i686/ had to be in since /lib/tls/ would not load when /lib/i686/ was preloaded. I just threw /lib/i686/ in there to make sure I was using nothing in the /lib/tls directory if that would help things.

In the end, it crashed again. :(

Here's the links to the latest crash files.

I also tried it again, but with the same files stored in /lib instead of /lib/i686, and I got this crash:

Thanks for helping me out. Let me know what else might be an option.



Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
3 of those are putenv() crashes. Whenever I see that I always think thread safety issues. In your case you are linking against the NTPL-aware libc on Redhat (/lib/tls/ Could you try doing this:


in your Apache startup script and let me know if it still crashes?


On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Tim Schaab wrote:

I need help tracking down a crash in PHP. I have not been able to work out a test case where it will crash reliably, so I have been hesitant to fill out a bug report.

Here's the kit I have running:

PHP4 - Latest Stable Snapshot as of 30/Mar/2004 12:18
Apache - 1.3.29
mod_ssl - 2.8.16
mod_perl - 1.29
Red hat 9 - 2.4.20 Kernel

The problem is when I try to access my web-mail sites, it will crash after a period of time. I have done a number of gdb sessions, but I need some help interpreting the results. You can find the gdb log from a few of the crashes here:

I thought it might be something to do with IMAP since the web-mail pages (IMP/HORDE and SquirrelMail), so I tried different versions of the UW IMAP client, but crashes still took place with both the 2000 and 2002 versions.

When PHP is compiled in debug mode, I got a ton of leak messages in Apache's error log.

I tried to setup a different Apache instance on a different port to use that one for debugging purposes. However, I can not get that on to crash. I have it running on ports 4080 and 4443(SSL) and I can not get it to crash even after pounding and pounding the web-mail sites.

So I have a decent amount of info to work from, not sure what to do next to get the crashes to stop. I am open to any and all suggestions to try and pin this bugger down.

Tim Schaab 

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny"
   -- Isaac Asimov

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