On Friday 02 April 2004 15:20, Brian Duke wrote:

Please do not top post!

> Ok here is my php.ini. directly from /etc/php.ini

OK, is this where *you* think php.ini should be located? Or did you follow 
these instructions:

> > executable? If the former use phpinfo() to find out where php thinks it's
> > php.ini should be found, if the latter use "php -i". Once you've
> > determined where your php.ini should be examine its safe_mode settings.

to find out where *php* thinks php.ini should be located?

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# php mem.php
> sh: line 1: /usr/local/php/bin/free: No such file or directory

Don't you get the safe_mode warning/error message anymore? As for the above 
error, try using exec("/full/path/to/free -b", ...).

> The php-4.3.5 in not installed yet. I just downloaded it and untarred the
> contents in my download directory. We run the program via the web it's for
> MRTG graphs. I was using an example I found on the web. Here is the result
> when I change line 1 using exec()

I hope you know what you're doing if you're trying to install php from source 
over an existing RPM installation!

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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