* Thus wrote Monty ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I tried removing the zeros, but, I get the same result:
>     $id = 000011;
>     $id = ltrim($id, '0');
>     echo $id;                   // Displays: 9 instead of 11 ???
> This didn't work either:
>     $id = 000011;
>     settype($id, 'string');
>     $id = ltrim($id, '0');
>     echo $id;                   // Displays: 9 instead of 11 ???

This is expected, $id becomes 9 as soon as you assign it. the
ltrim() function's dont see any 0.

this will work however:
  $id = "0000011";
  echo (int)$id;

  - or

  $id = "0000011";
  echo ltrim($id, '0');

> No matter what I do, $id=000011 is seen as "9". Only way is to pass the
> number without the zeros ($id=11), but, because this data is being read from
> a database, I can't change the format because PHP seems to be converting it
> immediately to a 9 instead of reading it as 11 or even 000011.

  This shouldn't be happening. A variable that contains a value of
  '000011' will not be seen as on octal value.

> If PHP sees this as an octal, then why does gettype(000011) = INTEGER? This
> makes no sense.

 Thats because 000011 is an integer in octal notation.

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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