
We are having a miserable time with MySQL on a Windows/IIS server with PHP. 
Here's the version numbers:

MySQL 3.23.58-nt
PHP 4.35
Windows XP (although we previously experienced the same problems w/ Server
2000), 1gb RAM

The site is for academics to submit scientific "papers" (data) for their
organization.  In addition to submitting data, they can browse and search the

The problem is that one or more times per day, they whole thing grinds to a
halt.  Not sure that the server is completely locking up, but response times
are so slow it might was well be.  Restarting MySQL corrects the problem, but
that may be a symptom rather than the disease.  At one time we had IIS running
on one server and MySQL on another.  In this configuration, the IIS server
would lock up, and reloading MySQL on *that* machine fixed the problem,
according to my administrator.  That server was remote, and the admin drove out
to it to observe and noted that there were virtual RAM errors - running out -
which motivated us to move it to the XP box in the office.

There's really not much complicated going on here.  The paper submission engine
is session based, and some data is stuffed into session variables until it can
be validated in later steps, then saved to the database.  I've optimized the
queries as much as possible, checked that MySQL connections are being closed
and result resources freed, and php session variables unset and the session
destroyed when appropriate.

We're stuck, and the client is getting upset.




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