I don't know if this is the root of your problem or not, but I tried running
PHP 4.3.5 on my Win2K box and it crashed a lot.  I found out that if you
have PHP configured to run as a SAPI module there are stability issues with
that version (this bug has been reported).  I think the CGI install should
be good though.  I reverted back to version 4.3.4 and don't have any
problems yet with the SAPI module.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello;
> We are having a miserable time with MySQL on a Windows/IIS server with
> Here's the version numbers:
> MySQL 3.23.58-nt
> PHP 4.35
> Windows XP (although we previously experienced the same problems w/ Server
> 2000), 1gb RAM
> The site is for academics to submit scientific "papers" (data) for their
> organization.  In addition to submitting data, they can browse and search
> database.
> The problem is that one or more times per day, they whole thing grinds to
> halt.  Not sure that the server is completely locking up, but response
> are so slow it might was well be.  Restarting MySQL corrects the problem,
> that may be a symptom rather than the disease.  At one time we had IIS
> on one server and MySQL on another.  In this configuration, the IIS server
> would lock up, and reloading MySQL on *that* machine fixed the problem,
> according to my administrator.  That server was remote, and the admin
drove out
> to it to observe and noted that there were virtual RAM errors - running
out -
> which motivated us to move it to the XP box in the office.
> There's really not much complicated going on here.  The paper submission
> is session based, and some data is stuffed into session variables until it
> be validated in later steps, then saved to the database.  I've optimized
> queries as much as possible, checked that MySQL connections are being
> and result resources freed, and php session variables unset and the
> destroyed when appropriate.
> We're stuck, and the client is getting upset.
> Ideas?
> Rob

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