Hello All

I'm just starting to get PHP, and I'm wondering about the security of the
code I write. It _seems_ that when I try to download the PHP file directly
(like using Save Target As...) it will download only as an HTML file and my
PHP code is gone. I've tried this on a few other people's sites, and this
seems to be the common behavior. Is there a way someone can extract my php
file without this transformation? What are some good security issues I
should know?

One of the things I'm starting with is a simple blog/guestbook. I have a
couple form fields and I strip_tags ... what else should I be doing? I want
to leave the guestbook pretty open, so I don't want a sign-in and
confirmation thingie. I don't even mind anonymity, cuz I can edit the
comments later if I want.

Thanks for your time.


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