> GT> seems to be the common behavior. Is there a way someone can extract my
> GT> file without this transformation?
> In a nutshell - no.
> Not without your server being compromised (i.e. hacked into or
> misconfigured).
> GT> One of the things I'm starting with is a simple blog/guestbook. I have
> GT> couple form fields and I strip_tags ... what else should I be doing? I
> GT> to leave the guestbook pretty open, so I don't want a sign-in and
> GT> confirmation thingie. I don't even mind anonymity, cuz I can edit the
> GT> comments later if I want.
> Check for SQL injection possibly? (assuming you are even using SQL)
> and make sure you addslashes (or test to see if that is being done for
> you) and that's about it.
> Depends how "anal" you want the script to be though :) I mean you
> could check everything.. from strings to integers, to string length,
> to IP address (flood control), to duplicate entries, etc etc etc.
> Really a "how long is a piece of string" scenario here.

Hey Richard,

Thanks for the quick response. I'm thinking of adding a check for the string
length, so someone doesn't copy and paste a dictionary into my guestbook,
but I'm not looking at flood control because the comments might be somewhat

I have a couple PHP books (like the PHP Cookbook, PHP: Read Less, Learn
More) and a couple PHP/mySQL books and I can't seem to find anything about
that "transformation". Are there other books that describe what actually
happens? Is that on php.net somewhere, and what kind of keywords should I
use to find it? I don't think "transformation" is the right word.

Also, perl has "strict", which is to prevent other people from running your
scripts from their server. I added strip_tags to prevent someone from
running code on my server. Have I got my a** covered?



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