> You are correct, but I believe the bandwidth savings is small.
> What I usually do for my apps is allow the admin to configure whitespace
> trimming.  If configured, I only remove whitespace from the beginning of
> line to the first non-whitespace character.  This reduces the code size
> somewhat, while still leaving the HTML human-readable (newlines are

I have checked on some pages and this is reduced with 15% to 40% usually...

But the discussion started from the PHP editor... I have forgot to mention
that another serious problem with the previous editors I have used was that
I have to develop a website in traditional chinese and it give me lot of
problmes with html editing... In fact I had no chances using Zend or
dreamweaver or homesite or phpeditor
The only chance was using notepad or dreamweaver MX... All the others were
messing the template files... I have even tried with Visuyal Studio and had
the same problems
Since I am developing another website in arabique at this moment I thought
that I should ask if anyone knows an editor to handle this kind of editing
in good conditions...


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