Michal Migurski wrote:
Hi there I was wondering how people usually turn the app off during
system maintainance. During the hours of 6-7 the database goes down for
backing up, the users therefore keeping trying to get into the system, i
get an error that the database is down when i know it should be down
near that time. Without causing too many if statements what is the best
way to do this ?

Don't take the database down for backups.

I can think of no logical reason why you'd want to kill the DB to back it
up, since it's just a big "read" operation.

Referential integrity might be a reason.

However, I agree -- don't back up the database directly -- use whatever utilities the database provides to dump the database, then back up the dump. Depending on how well the dump utility works, you might be able to do away with the downtime.



Travis Low

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