Robert Sossomon wrote:

I have an upload script that I am trying to allow for 725MB, I have
written the script to handle files of that size, and I modified the
upload_max_filesize = 730M

I tried uploading a 15MB file and it blew up (current error message is
not in my brain).

Is there a true max size or do I just have something messed up somewhere
that I need to tweak??

There are quite a few some have already been mentioned, in other posts but I invite you to look at that will give you a good idea about all the settings involved.

Having said that you probably ought to switch to FTP or SFTP if you want to transfer so much data. Web servers are always optimized to deliver thousands of files at once instead of accepting large incoming files.


Raditha Dissanayake.
SFTP, FTP and HTTP File Upload solutions

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