What about allowing your UK server to access the database of your USA
Server? You could open a port to that specific IP address only, ...

Then authenticating users on the UK server would work like a charm.
You could even create a 'shared' database for basic session

I think if sessions are used the overhead would not be overly serious
except for the one time a user has to log in.

Ok, I have no idea whatsoever about how to access a Domino Server, but
there just has to be a way... XMLRPC?

just a thought ...

Friday, May 7, 2004, 11:39:12 AM, thus was written:
> To recap...
> We have two servers:
> 1. USA - holds most of our databases, and E-mail. but specifically, the
> usernames and passwords, or all our users (Lotus Domino Server)
> 2. UK - Runs our website. (Unix Server)

> We wanted to be able to allow people to login on on server 1, and getr
> authenticated etc, and then get redirected to server 2.
> Using http_referer we would confirm that they came from server 1

> However, as I discovered, that is not possible.
> So what we did was this:

> On the login form on server 1, the referering URL to server 2, contains a
> varibale called 'secure'
> we asign that variable that value of '4654376534' and divide it by the day
> (eg: if it's the 12th of may, we divide by 12.. 7th of June, we divide by
> 7)
> I know that this is crackable, but it's just a stop gap measure...

> My problem today is this:
> It's not confirming the values?
> See my code below....
> ================
> session_start();
>         $today_day = date("d");
>         $code1 = ($today_day+1) * $secure;
>         $code2 = $today_day * $secure;
>         $code3 = ($today_day-1) * $secure;
>         $master_code = 4654376534;
> if (($code1 == $master_code) || ($code2 == $master_code) || ($code3 ==
> $master_code)) {
>         $_SESSION[logged] = 'true';
>         $login_info = "You are now <b>Logged in</b>";
> } else if ($_SESSION[logged] == 'true') {
>         $login_info = "You are still <b>Logged in</b>";
> }
> =================

> I start by getting the date $today_day
> As we're in two time zones, I don't wanna get caught out by the time
> difference, so I've created a +/- 1 each side ($code1-3)
> and fianlly, asigned the master input variable (the decoder)

> Now it all works great..! (all variables echo what they should) however,
> I'm not getting logged in?
> I'm really stumped...
> any ideas?

> Tris...

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