
    What I am trying to do:

    - in VB, compress a string
    - save it as a file
    - use php to open it, then gzuncompress it

    I am using a vb wrapper in:


    I am sure that the above program works, since it can uncompress the
file.  Acutally this program is only an interface using the zlib

    I used the above demo, compressed a string then saved it as a file.
When I tried to use php to gzuncompress it, I got data error.  What is the
problem?  aren't they both using the zlib?

    I also tried  gzinflate, still the same 'gzinflate(): data error in...'
below is the php code:

$handle = fopen("/tmp/tmpCompress.txt", "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize("/tmp/tmpCompress.txt"));
echo(gzuncompress ($contents));
I also tried to use binary read in php(i.e. "rb"), but still got stucked in

just another question, what is the difference between gzuncompress and
gzdeflate  ??

Thank you very much!!

Francis Mak

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