Thanks for the code. Its not doing exactly what I want, but with a little
modification is is kind of working.
The one problem is that it is putting the Title first and the catagory
second. so it is coming up with:


and the last catagory is droping off. I have modified the code as such (if
you can help so that the catagory is first and the titles second it would be
a great help):

$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * from article ORDER BY catagory");
$temp = "";
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  if (empty($temp)) // will be fired only once!
    $temp = $r["catagory"]; // get category name
   // echo "This is category <b>" . $temp ."</b>, and it's titles are as
following:<br>"; //display it
  //  echo "----this is title <a href='update.php?passed=". $r["id"]
."'><b>" . $r["title"] . "</b></a><br>";

  if ($temp != $r["catagory"]) // because it's sorted by category, this
method will work!
    echo "This is category <b>" . $temp. "</b>, and it's titles are as
following:<br>"; //display it
  // update last category name

  $temp = $r["catagory"];
 // echo "This is category <b>" . $temp. "</b>, and it's titles are as
  echo "----this is title <a href='update.php?passed=". $r["id"] ."'><b>" .
$r["title"] . "</b></a><br>";


""elias"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9a246s$mcv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9a246s$mcv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> please try this:
> -
> I didn't really get what you mean, but i can see that you have a table
> Table fields: category, fieldx, fieldy, fieldz, title
> and you want to display it's data as:
>  category 1
>    title1 (belonging to cat1)
>    title2 (...)
>    title3 (....)
>    title4 (...)
>  cat2
>    titlex
>    titley
>    titlez
> that what you said, right?
> okay, try this:
> **
> $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * from article ORDER BY catagory");
> $temp = "";
> while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result))
> {
>   if (empty($temp)) // will be fired only once!
>   {
>     $temp = $r["category"]; // get category name
>     echo "This is category $temp, and it's titles are as following:<br>";
> display it
>   }
>   if ($temp != $r["category"]) // because it's sorted by category, this
> method will work!
>     echo "This is category $temp, and it's titles are as following:<br>";
> display it
>   // update last category name
>   $temp = $r["category"];
>   echo "----this is title " . $r["title"] . "<br>";
> }
> **
> -
> ""Mark Bayfield"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 9a1u3q$k81$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9a1u3q$k81$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I am trying to make a catagory list that displays a distinct catagory,
> > then listing titles under that catagory.
> > Unfortunatly all the data is in one table, and the catagory field is not
> set
> > catagories, so there is duplicates in that field.
> > The code so far is (but I am probably going about it the wrong way, if
> > can see whats wrong with my code plase help, or point me in some
> direction),
> >
> >  $query = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT catagory from article order by
> > catagory");
> >  $query2 = mysql_query ("SELECT * from article ORDER BY catagory");
> >
> >  for ($index = 0; $index < mysql_num_rows($query); $index++) {
> >   $Catagory = mysql_fetch_row ($query) or die (mysql_error());
> >   $name1 =  mysql_fetch_row ($query2) or die (mysql_error());
> >   $x = $name1;
> >   $result1 = array_unique($Catagory);
> >   $result = array_merge($Catagory, $name1);
> >
> >    print ("$result1[0]<BR>");
> >    for ($x=0; $x == $result1[0]; $x++) {
> >    print ("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
> > href='update.php?passed=$name1[0]'>$name1[2]</a><br>\n");
> >    }
> >      }
> >
> > I am trying everything to get it do just print the following:
> >
> > Catagory
> >     title1
> >     title2
> > Catagory1
> >     title3
> >     title4
> >
> > Please help me out....
> >
> > thanks
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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