this all seems just fine to me, aren't you sending some Header: Content-type -s?
could you post that init.php script source? and is that apache server working well for other scripts that are called from the forms?
AND ... just to be sure,... are you calling that html which contains the form thru server? (like http://localhost/myform.html) ... ? because, when calling it directly from dreamweaver,
it could be called like direct html file (eg. file://c:/myhtmls/myform.html) and then the script will be called as file://c:/myhtmls/my_authentication_script.php instead of http://localhost/my_authentication_script.php

that's all what comes to my mind,

Michael T. Peterson wrote:

Here is some additional info:

My other PHP scripts execute just fine, including the php script init.php
which uses header(...) to dispatch to the member_login.htm page. Recall that
the problem arises when validate_member_login.php is invoked from
member_login.htm. When validate_member_login.php is invoked directly, it
executes properly.

I'm running the most recent production release of the Apache server on
winxp. My ISP is running the same version. I've configured PHP identically
with my ISP's Apache config. I use Dreamweaver MX for development and
testing. I've not tested for this problem on my ISP's system, yet

Once again, note that the php script, validate_member_login.php is executed
properly in one case, yet is displayed in the browser in the other. Here is
the code for validate_member_login.php:


* Variables set by member_login.htm are:
*      username -- contains the username of the member.
*      password -- contains the member's password.
$username = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']);
$password = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['password']);

$result = authenticate_member_login( $username, $password );
if( $result == 0 ) {
    $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['session_id'] = crypt_password( $password );
    $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['username'] = $username;
    header( 'Location: '.MEMBER_HOME_PAGE );
} else {
    header( 'Location: '.MEMBER_LOGIN_PAGE );

'init.php' executes session_start(), sets a bunch of constants (e.g.,
MEMBER_HOME_PAGE, etc.), sets an error handler, and includes a bunch of
libraries. All standard stuff.

Again, any help would be appreciated.



"Michael T. Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

When a user first comes to my site, the user's session id is checked and
validated. If no session id is present or the validation fails, the user


vectored to a second page containing a login form. When the user enters


username and password and then clicks the submit button the info is
forwarded to a third page, a php script, validate_member_login.php, that
checks the username and password against a database. Just for


note that the php script, validate_member_login.php, is invoked via login
form's action parameter, i.e.,

       <form action="validate_member_login.php" ... />

The problem is that the php script, validate_member_login.php, is


in the browser rather than being executed.

This is my first attempt at designing a dynamic web site so I'm sure I've
missed something really basic, but I have hardly any hair left to pull


Thanks, in advance,


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