The problem is in the browser, i have IE 6.0 and some pages on my localhost
server have the same problem, sometimes it happend, sometimes not. If i use
other browser like Opera the page has no problem.

I think this problem is not related to the version, because others with the
same version doesnt have the same problem.

The problem happend more frequently when i use big tables or long pages.

Solution: Upgrade the browser.

For the case

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 1:38 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Odd Refresh Error

> * Thus wrote Scott Taylor:
> >>
> >> Some people are complaining that when the visit one of my pages that
> >> pages refeshes over and over again.  One person said that it was only
> >> when he typed something in on one of the forms.  How could an error
> >> this be caused?  Could this be a bug in a browser?
> >
> >
> More like a End User malfunction.
> Or that your form submision is causing an infinite redirect loop of
> some sort.
> Curt
> -- The infinite loop is what I thought at first too, but wouldn't this
> show up on all browsers and not just netscape 7.1? What does End User
> malfunction mean? That people don't know how to use their browsers/the
> internet? I wouldn't doubt that this is the case unless I didn't have so
> many people come to me with this - probably there have been at least 5-7
> people who have reported this. Scott
> -- 
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