
On 07/14/2004 12:55 PM, Amanda Hemmerich wrote:
Ok, I am trying to fix a bug on a site I didn't write, and I looked for
examples on www.php.net and couldn't find what I needed.

Here is the line of code in question:

mail($email, "XXX - Conference Registration Confirmation", $message,

The Cc isn't working, and it looks strange to me.  I want to find an
example of mail() using Cc: so I can see if it's using the correct syntax
and everything.  Plus I want to change everything to variables, but I can
do that once it is working correctly.

This looks like a bug of the mail() function. Have you tried separating the recipients in Cc: with , instead of ; and also add a space between Cc: and the first address?


Manuel Lemos

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