
On 07/14/2004 10:02 PM, Curt Zirzow wrote:
Ok, I am trying to fix a bug on a site I didn't write, and I looked for
examples on www.php.net and couldn't find what I needed.

Here is the line of code in question:

mail($email, "XXX - Conference Registration Confirmation", $message,

The Cc isn't working, and it looks strange to me.  I want to find an
example of mail() using Cc: so I can see if it's using the correct syntax
and everything.  Plus I want to change everything to variables, but I can
do that once it is working correctly.

This looks like a bug of the mail() function. Have you tried separating the recipients in Cc: with , instead of ; and also add a space between Cc: and the first address?

This is *not* a bug of the mail() function, please change your
template for these replied messages.

';' is not a proper seperator for addresses. see rfc2822

I did not say that is the bug of the mail() function. In case you are not aware, the mail function has many different bugs depending on the PHP version and the system it is used in.


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