On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:22:45 +0100, Harlequin
> OK. So here we have on the submission form:
> <input type="hidden" value="$_SESSION['logname']" name="Hidden">

Your problem is likely here. What exactly are you doing with this
string? echo? print? ?> <? It is surrounded by single or double

Try this:
echo '<input type="hidden"
value="'.htmlentities($_SESSION['logname']).'" name="Hidden">';

> It echoes fine, so I know it's there.
> When I go to the target page it echoes fine there also and doesn't return an
> error. But more strangely, it doesn't perform the update I request:
> $UserDataDump = "UPDATE MembersData SET Title='$Title'...)
> WHERE UserID='$_POST[Hidden]'";
> What's missing...? No error, no update...? No caffiene...! Help...!
> Oh - is OK, I have my Nicotine :)

DB_DataObject_FormBuilder - The database at your fingertips

paperCrane --Justin Patrin--

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