I've got a conditional button that needs to appear/hide on my page
depending upon the contents of a field in my database. The button is an
image and has a long URL and JavaScript for image rotation attached to it.
Needless to say, the href is quite long and includes several "'"
characters. My conditional works great but I want to know if there is an
easy way to escape the whole href so that the "'" characters will not be
seen as PHP quote marks. See below...

if ($recordset['field'] != "1") {
echo '<a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"
src="/URL/ButtonName.gif" alt="Previous Page" name="Previous Page"
width="150" height="20" border="0"></a>;

Thanx in advance,
Robb Kerr
Digital IGUANA
Helping Digital Artists Achieve their Dreams

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