i've successfully built php5 on rh8 with no issues...

if you search through the achives of this mailing list you'll see what i
did. look for mysqli/php.

what issues are you haveing when you build from source...???

let us know, and i'm sure someone can help....

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 6:03 PM
Subject: [PHP] Upgrade PHP?

I'm having problems upgrading PHP from 4.2.2 to 4.3.8 on RedHat 9.  I've
tried simply making the 4.3.8 from source, but RedHat didn't use the default
PHP folder structure is seems, since there has been no change in my PHP
version.  I also tried the "./configure" string returned by 'phpinfo()'
(assuming that the correct path info was included) with no luck.  Does
anyone have any tips on an easier way to upgrade?



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