On Friday 06 August 2004 02:50, Sarah Gray wrote:

> I am having a periodic problem that I cannot duplicate and wonder if
> anyone has suggestions.
> Once a sale is completed a record is written to a log file on the
> server.
> $filename = $dir. "/". $logType."_".$today.".txt";
> $fp = fopen("$filename", "a+");
> fputs($fp, $logEntryStr);
> fclose($fp);
> The file is chmoded to 644.
> About 3 out of 600 times, the log file is not written to.  The times
> of day this happens are not consistent, and as I mentioned, I cannot
> duplicate it when testing. I initially thought it was some kind of
> error on the server, but I am beginning to think it is in my code.
> Has anyone experienced anything like this or have any suggestions for
> how to troubleshoot this?

- Enable full error reporting for PHP.

- Incorporate some error checking code as per example in manual for fwrite().

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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